Category: Harea String Quartet

The Harea

StringĀ  Quartet

The Harea String Quartet has a vast repertoire including popular wedding music, waltzes, tangos, Broadway and other popular music, as well as classical music. We also perform a variety of popular music from around the world. Our repertoire boasts titles from China, France, Mexico, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain and Vietnam.

<p>Download a PDF of our repertoire:</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><a href="/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/harea_string_quartet_repertoire_2013.pdf"><span class="icon-download"></span> <!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->DOWNLOAD</a>

Contact Information

(613) 290-7462

Proudly booking live music in Ottawa-Gatineau for over 25 years, including towns across Eastern Ontario and West Quebec.